If your credit score is between 510 and 621, your credit score range is Average. Your credit score would suggest it's likely that you will incur an adverse event such as a default, bankruptcy or court judgment in the next 12 months.
Your credit score suggests it's less likely you will incur an adverse event that could harm your credit report in the next 12 months. Your odds of keeping a clean credit file over this period are better than Equifax’s average credit-active population.
Your credit score suggests it's unlikely that you will incur an adverse event in the next 12 months that could harm your credit file. Your odds of keeping a clean credit report are 2 times better than Equifax’s average credit-active population.
You’re in the top 20% of Equifax’s credit-active population, suggesting it’s highly unlikely that an adverse event could harm your credit file in the next 12 months. Your odds of keeping a clean file are 5 times better than Equifax’s average population.